Customer Testimonials

WiLine customers are satisfied with the services we deliver and the support we provide. Our current customers praise us for our ability to deliver fast, flexible and reliable broadband solutions to their businesses. They are thankful for the consistent upload and download speeds, maximizing their productivity. They are pleased with their monthly savings over alternative providers and they are impressed with our level of customer support.

See what just a few of our customers have to say about the WiLine advantage.

Speed, Speed & More Speed...

“It's all about speed for us. Our engineers send large CAD files over the Internet so we need a fast, consistent connection. Before WiLine, we had DSL and our connection would time out even before the files were sent, rendering the service useless. Our other option was to upgrade to a T1 line but that was too expensive and a bit more than we needed. WiLine provided the perfect solution. We get the exact speed we need at a price we can afford. And, we know that down the road, as our business grows, WiLine can easily turn up the speed for us, ensuring we maintain a high level of productivity inside the company.”

Fire-Matic Systems
Terry Wolf Jr.

Time is Money...

“Before WiLine, we couldn't get high speed internet access so our business was restricted to placing orders via the phone. It could take up to 40 minutes to process a single order. Now, with our WiLine high speed data connection we can process our orders online in just a few minutes! Having this connection has been a tremendous time saver. We can get more done in a shorter period of time, allowing us to better serve our customers.”

Almaden Automotive
Teresa Skidmore
Office Manager

Exceptional Customer Service...

“Technology is very intimidating to us. We are not very technically savvy and WiLine really helped us get set up and connected. They stepped us through the process and gave us the support we needed to feel comfortable with the transition. We are very happy with the service and we give the customer support department five stars of excellence!”

Healthguard IPA Medical Associates Inc.
Rosemary Evernden-Andrade
Executive Director

Better Than DSL...

“WiLine was able to offer us a faster and better solution than DSL. We have been using WiLine for three years now and we will continue to use WiLine in the future. They offer a seamless experience and that is what I want in a data provider. I know I can count on the service they provide; the connection will always be up and the speed will be consistently fast. This is critical to a small operation like us because we don't have extra staff to deal with problems. We need a reliable broadband provider that is why we have WiLine.”

Montalvo Group
Pete Montalvo
Broker Agent

See how you can get more from your broadband. Schedule a visit or call us at 1-888-4WILINE for more information.