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Answering the most significant environmental challenges of our time.

The goals of the Environment Program are to save the great natural landscapes of the North American West; prevent the pollution and global warming that result from the burning of fossil fuels; and build stronger, broader constituencies to protect the environment in California.

In 2007, environmental organizations that received the Foundation’s support continued to deliver substantial results. Among them was a final agreement to protect 21 million acres in the Great Bear Rainforest in British Columbia, Canada—the largest intact, coastal temperate rainforest in the world. Grantees also helped prevent the construction of eight large coal-fired power plants in the United States and improved public policy with regard to fuel quality, air pollution, and public transportation in California, China, and Mexico.

In 2007, the Environment Program made grants totaling $94,820,664.

Serving Bay Area Communities

Poor communities often have fewer neighborhood parks, a fact that the Foundation’s Environment Program works to correct through grants to the Trust for Public Land. The Trust’s Bay Area Parks for People Program works to refurbish urban parks throughout the Bay Area, typically engaging the surrounding community in the process.